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Opportunity for Foreign Nurses in Germany

In general, opportunities are great and they are increasing with the years. In March 2020 Germany made some significant changes in the immigration law.

Now foreigners with vocational training (nursing is recognized as vocational training) can come to Germany on a Job Seeker Visa and look for a job. Before this visa was only available for university graduates with some working experience.

Visa is issued for 6 month and foreigners can even undertake employment in Germany up to 10 hours per week (before it wasn’t allowed).

This opportunity gives nurses a chance to be hired by the German employer faster and also to complete come internships or trial work, so they can be sure that it is the right place for them.

However, as a new rule foreign nurses will need to show a language certificate of at least a B1 level, otherwise visas won’t be granted. After finding the employer they can apply for the long-term working visa from their home country.

As someone willing to work in the health industry needs to understand language is key. Level B1 and upwards is expected as well as recognized in Germany nursing certificate or a diploma.

If foreign applicants fulfill these 2 main requirements they will be welcomed by most employers in Germany.

Nurse have opportunities to stay in Germany for a long period of time and maybe for their entire life. There should be no problem in extending a residence permit and receiving a permanent residence permit.

Moreover, foreign employees are eligible to bring their spouse and kids in Germany for a long-term living.